27 research outputs found

    Efficient motional-mode characterization for high-fidelity trapped-ion quantum computing

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    To achieve high-fidelity operations on a large-scale quantum computer, the parameters of the physical system must be efficiently characterized with high accuracy. For trapped ions, the entanglement between qubits are mediated by the motional modes of the ion chain, and thus characterizing the motional-mode parameters becomes essential. In this paper, we develop and explore physical models that accurately predict both magnitude and sign of the Lamb-Dicke parameters when the modes are probed {\it in parallel}. We further devise an advanced characterization protocol that shortens the characterization time by more than an order of magnitude, when compared to that of the conventional method that only uses mode spectroscopy. We discuss potential ramifications of our results to the development of a scalable trapped-ion quantum computer, viewed through the lens of system-level resource trade offs.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    A generative modeling approach for benchmarking and training shallow quantum circuits

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    Hybrid quantum-classical algorithms provide ways to use noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers for practical applications. Expanding the portfolio of such techniques, we propose a quantum circuit learning algorithm that can be used to assist the characterization of quantum devices and to train shallow circuits for generative tasks. The procedure leverages quantum hardware capabilities to its fullest extent by using native gates and their qubit connectivity. We demonstrate that our approach can learn an optimal preparation of the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states, also known as "cat states". We further demonstrate that our approach can efficiently prepare approximate representations of coherent thermal states, wave functions that encode Boltzmann probabilities in their amplitudes. Finally, complementing proposals to characterize the power or usefulness of near-term quantum devices, such as IBM's quantum volume, we provide a new hardware-independent metric called the qBAS score. It is based on the performance yield in a specific sampling task on one of the canonical machine learning data sets known as Bars and Stripes. We show how entanglement is a key ingredient in encoding the patterns of this data set; an ideal benchmark for testing hardware starting at four qubits and up. We provide experimental results and evaluation of this metric to probe the trade off between several architectural circuit designs and circuit depths on an ion-trap quantum computer.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Minor revisions. As published in npj Quantum Informatio

    Resource-Optimized Fermionic Local-Hamiltonian Simulation on Quantum Computer for Quantum Chemistry

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    The ability to simulate a fermionic system on a quantum computer is expected to revolutionize chemical engineering, materials design, nuclear physics, to name a few. Thus, optimizing the simulation circuits is of significance in harnessing the power of quantum computers. Here, we address this problem in two aspects. In the fault-tolerant regime, we optimize the \rzgate and \tgate gate counts along with the ancilla qubit counts required, assuming the use of a product-formula algorithm for implementation. We obtain a savings ratio of two in the gate counts and a savings ratio of eleven in the number of ancilla qubits required over the state of the art. In the pre-fault tolerant regime, we optimize the two-qubit gate counts, assuming the use of the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) approach. Specific to the latter, we present a framework that enables bootstrapping the VQE progression towards the convergence of the ground-state energy of the fermionic system. This framework, based on perturbation theory, is capable of improving the energy estimate at each cycle of the VQE progression, by about a factor of three closer to the known ground-state energy compared to the standard VQE approach in the test-bed, classically-accessible system of the water molecule. The improved energy estimate in turn results in a commensurate level of savings of quantum resources, such as the number of qubits and quantum gates, required to be within a pre-specified tolerance from the known ground-state energy. We also explore a suite of generalized transformations of fermion to qubit operators and show that resource-requirement savings of up to more than 20%20\%, in small instances, is possible